fiestinx: camera rig
fiestinx: children flying the kites with cameras
fiestinx: camera, rubber bands and a knot
fiestinx: camera, rubber bands and a knot
fiestinx: camera rig with a plastic bottle
fiestinx: Workshops
fiestinx: bringing the camera down, Silwan
fiestinx: Silwan - stitched map
fiestinx: Ein Karem - stitched map
fiestinx: Solidarity map
fiestinx: Ein Karem, residents' struggle
fiestinx: decoding and annotating the aerial photograph
fiestinx: annotated aerial photograph
fiestinx: Silwan PGIS
fiestinx: The spring in google maps
fiestinx: The spring in our photo
fiestinx: Public-Lab guide
fiestinx: 20110706-IMG_0824