fierceflawless: phone home
fierceflawless: not as drunk as he seems
fierceflawless: we are londoners
fierceflawless: not on the sidekick, for once
fierceflawless: are you taking my picture?
fierceflawless: waiting for the tube
fierceflawless: waiting to check in
fierceflawless: dirty hotel room
fierceflawless: full moon over the tower bridge
fierceflawless: at the tower bridge
fierceflawless: at the tower bridge
fierceflawless: at the tower bridge
fierceflawless: almost not quite
fierceflawless: french lessons
fierceflawless: the questionable alley our hotel is down
fierceflawless: seeing you seeing me
fierceflawless: creepy underground
fierceflawless: obligitory moving tube photo
fierceflawless: mind the gap
fierceflawless: phantom toll booth
fierceflawless: change for dinner
fierceflawless: whenever I walk on a london street
fierceflawless: waiting for the train
fierceflawless: waiting for the train
fierceflawless: our tube stop
fierceflawless: big flush, little flush
fierceflawless: this inspires confidence in british technology
fierceflawless: DSC02478.JPG