fierceflawless: we were looking at seperate cameras
fierceflawless: pre-shirt exchange
fierceflawless: sudden rush
fierceflawless: the bill
fierceflawless: ang keely brittany
fierceflawless: my date for the evening
fierceflawless: with the birthday boy
fierceflawless: with the birthday boy
fierceflawless: ashley smash
fierceflawless: with patrick
fierceflawless: mexicali
fierceflawless: thumbs up
fierceflawless: thumbs up
fierceflawless: after a few margaritas
fierceflawless: with the birthday boy
fierceflawless: I fake so real I am beyond fake
fierceflawless: high roller
fierceflawless: high stakes
fierceflawless: fit the bill
fierceflawless: there's this glow about her
fierceflawless: two thumbs up
fierceflawless: laurel impersonates ray charles
fierceflawless: Definition: Indignant
fierceflawless: reg + josh 4 EVER
fierceflawless: the girls, the girls