fiendbyname: M1 Suture Clinic
fiendbyname: M1 Suture Clinic
fiendbyname: M1 Suture Clinic
fiendbyname: M1 Suture Clinic
fiendbyname: M1 post-bar snacking
fiendbyname: M1 biochemistry
fiendbyname: some physical exam tools
fiendbyname: Melissa's forearm
fiendbyname: mini birthday cake for a neighbor
fiendbyname: Dr. McCormack about to demonstrate EKGs on himself
fiendbyname: Chrome add-on to stop distractions while studying
fiendbyname: the night that fog got to 0 visibility
fiendbyname: free candy delivered in the library carrels
fiendbyname: from a distance I thought it was free food
fiendbyname: trip to the Hancock Tower bar
fiendbyname: the night (well, morning) before our cardio exam
fiendbyname: Stein's "baby horse" lungs at work
fiendbyname: Dr. Sukowski doing magic tricks to demonstrate lung recoil
fiendbyname: naps: I find lounge chairs to curl up in vs. he who collects desk chairs
fiendbyname: Tap highlights only the most important things.
fiendbyname: Nikhil runs the microphone around Rhoades for HMTD
fiendbyname: Excuse me???
fiendbyname: the coldest weather I have ever experienced
fiendbyname: the week before anatomy practical #2
fiendbyname: Snow Day
fiendbyname: snow piles
fiendbyname: Match Day 2013, Chicago Medical School
fiendbyname: Chicago River, St. Patrick's Day
fiendbyname: Chicago River, St. Patrick's Day
fiendbyname: Chicago River, St. Patrick's Day