fieldtripp: Market day....lots of people
fieldtripp: Offerings
fieldtripp: Outside of the church
fieldtripp: Secret passage ways...
fieldtripp: A look from above at the rock hewn church
fieldtripp: Is this Romeo and Juliette??
fieldtripp: Old door
fieldtripp: Ancient stairs
fieldtripp: The corridors
fieldtripp: Inside the church
fieldtripp: Buried under is a woman
fieldtripp: The roomies
fieldtripp: Enjoying the sunshing in Tiya
fieldtripp: Goofin' around
fieldtripp: Stelaes in ruin
fieldtripp: Nobody knows...
fieldtripp: On top of the mini-bus
fieldtripp: As big as my thumb!
fieldtripp: The trouble with Milo...
fieldtripp: Surprise!
fieldtripp: The brown river.
fieldtripp: Enjoying a break under the shade.
fieldtripp: Going down to see the falls
fieldtripp: The gang at Awash National Park
fieldtripp: Self-portrait
fieldtripp: New buddies...
fieldtripp: Enjoying the sun.
fieldtripp: Waterfalls, betam telek!
fieldtripp: Migration of the camels
fieldtripp: Farenjis cooking.