fidothe: The pre-party on Halvandet
fidothe: Euan
fidothe: Re-boarding for the trip back to Nyhavn
fidothe: Halvandet
fidothe: Halvandet
fidothe: KDM Dannebrog, the Danish royal yacht, in Copenhagen harbour. Over 75 years old now, and rather beautiful still
fidothe: Fire brigade assault boat, and a random antique mini sub
fidothe: It's either a very military-looking luxury yacht, or a very luxurious military vessel.
fidothe: The Royal Theatre
fidothe: The Opera House
fidothe: Russell Davies
fidothe: We miss you already
fidothe: Graduating Danish high-school kids in sailior suits, getting drunk and generally having a good time. On Lorries. Lots of lorries.
fidothe: Noel, Laura, and Laura's sister
fidothe: Copenhagen metro station
fidothe: Getting a bit 2001 on the metro
fidothe: Approaching the airport, still very new