unfocused mike: And we're walking...
unfocused mike: Ripley, aka Jill the Ripper
unfocused mike: Long May She Reign!!
unfocused mike: The New Recruit
unfocused mike: one nosy dog
unfocused mike: dancing with the schnauzers
unfocused mike: please hum chariots of fire while viewing
unfocused mike: millhouse's winston churchill impersonation
unfocused mike: did i mention i like to run?
unfocused mike: millhouse, in the house!
unfocused mike: weimaraner table manners
unfocused mike: the dark side of a william wegman shoot
unfocused mike: pointers rule, weimaraners drool!
unfocused mike: romo: in the shallow end
unfocused mike: macro smells good!
unfocused mike: why hast thou foresaken me?
unfocused mike: anti-dignity device
unfocused mike: rescue me
unfocused mike: chariots of golden retriever fire
unfocused mike: willie is not impressed
unfocused mike: carefully dear
unfocused mike: cave dog
unfocused mike: none shall pass!
unfocused mike: wet willie
unfocused mike: where the semi-wild things are
unfocused mike: the top dog
unfocused mike: the non-ugly duckling
unfocused mike: flight K-9 on departure
unfocused mike: the siesta
unfocused mike: garbo and her tiny master