unfocused mike: i'm ready for my closeup, mr. demille
unfocused mike: deep breath
unfocused mike: unfurling lily
unfocused mike: old school fireworks
unfocused mike: flight K-9 on departure
unfocused mike: rage against the dying of the light
unfocused mike: this is not a dog.
unfocused mike: so the invasion begins
unfocused mike: endless summer
unfocused mike: the cactus weeps
unfocused mike: fly, fly away
unfocused mike: another pelican drive by
unfocused mike: dolphins dolphing out
unfocused mike: the triple jump
unfocused mike: gnarly sunset at white rock lake
unfocused mike: a grackle tribute to dewey oxburger
unfocused mike: the wettest of waters
unfocused mike: nasher steppes
unfocused mike: worst yearbook picture ever?
unfocused mike: look, a praying mantis!
unfocused mike: dude, my butt is glowing!
unfocused mike: the southern lights
unfocused mike: houston, we have a problem
unfocused mike: life would be cool if i could fly AND make my butt light up
unfocused mike: tinkerbell, is that you?
unfocused mike: leaflet (with an attitude)
unfocused mike: a meeting of large brown animals
unfocused mike: beyond ivy league
unfocused mike: steve's tree impersonation
unfocused mike: the chain link plant