fibreman: none of em blow easy
fibreman: errors of grandiosity ii
fibreman: the wavefolded feelings of a thing
fibreman: questions we cannot know
fibreman: your future death pharmacy
fibreman: bussed op
fibreman: never felt better doc
fibreman: nobody expected him to go full trombone
fibreman: extra perceptory foreboding
fibreman: with speed
fibreman: unfree
fibreman: titanium apples
fibreman: futility
fibreman: do it like the birds do it
fibreman: halloween alright
fibreman: no dip
fibreman: putting out fires all over the place
fibreman: they call him juan smallstep
fibreman: calculated surgery
fibreman: get over it you won
fibreman: a scale of sickness
fibreman: who give him vimto