fibreman: in the autumn of a bleach enema cure rage iii
fibreman: when even the clouds spill blood
fibreman: pulling at uncategorised colour memories
fibreman: perhaps you should stop
fibreman: retention ii
fibreman: gatekeeping
fibreman: ain't democracy wonderful
fibreman: waiting for a world to catch up
fibreman: plot twist iv
fibreman: miasmic cloudset (video still)
fibreman: plokij (video still)
fibreman: plokij iv (video still)
fibreman: plokij ii (video still)
fibreman: but just say ii
fibreman: look at what you won iii
fibreman: okay, ignore your domination
fibreman: primary colour fever dream
fibreman: defiant
fibreman: a peculiar shade of brainwash
fibreman: melting preceding static preceding nothingness
fibreman: never quite passing
fibreman: nee nar iii
fibreman: dwight and marnie taste the rainbow ii
fibreman: the octogenerian rebellion ii
fibreman: command cat under attack
fibreman: hoping to spoil the view
fibreman: hey kids howdya like my hair ii
fibreman: a race to the start ii
fibreman: voyaging iii
fibreman: superexposure