Fibonacci Blue: National Day of Prayer in Minnesota
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against war funding at the office of Representative McCollum
Fibonacci Blue: Rally for LGBT equality
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against the FBI across the street from Minneapolis City Hall
Fibonacci Blue: Minnesota rally in solidarity with Wisconsin union protesters
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue: Tea Party 2011 tax day protest
Fibonacci Blue: Tea Party 2011 tax day protest
Fibonacci Blue: Minnesota Tax Cut Rally 2011
Fibonacci Blue: Anti-war protest and march
Fibonacci Blue: Occupy Rochester Rally
Fibonacci Blue: Occupy Rochester Rally
Fibonacci Blue: Tea Party Pro Gun Rally
Fibonacci Blue: Minnesota anti-tax rally 2013
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against Dick Cheney
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against Israel occupation of Palestine and USA aid to Israel
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against Israel occupation of Palestine and USA aid to Israel
Fibonacci Blue: Solidarity march for Michael Brown in response to the Ferguson grand jury decision
Fibonacci Blue: Solidarity march for Michael Brown in response to the Ferguson grand jury decision
Fibonacci Blue: Anonymous Minnesota stands with Ferguson
Fibonacci Blue: Black Lives Matter march for Tania Harris
Fibonacci Blue: Black Lives Matter march in reaction to the decision to not prosecute the police for the death of Jamar Clark
Fibonacci Blue: Rally in solidarity with Palestine on the anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre
Fibonacci Blue: Vigil to unite in the wake of the Orlando Pulse shooting
Fibonacci Blue: Vigil to unite in the wake of the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting
Fibonacci Blue: Somali Independence Day on Lake Street
Fibonacci Blue: Open Streets Lake Street 2016
Fibonacci Blue: Preparing for Mexican Independence Day celebration
Fibonacci Blue: Mexican Independence Day parade
Fibonacci Blue: Anti-war protester