Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: Speakers at International Human Rights Day protest
Fibonacci Blue: Organizers at International Human Rights Day protest
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: Organizers clear a Lake Street intersection for International Human Rights Day protest march
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters enter a Lake Street intersection for International Human Rights Day march
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest marches down Lake Street
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest marches down Lake Street
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against deportations and for immigrants
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march on Lake Street
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march on Lake Street
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and against deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against war and deportations
Fibonacci Blue: Spectators watching the International Human Rights Day protest march
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march against border wall and deportations
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march on Bloomington Avenue
Fibonacci Blue: International Human Rights Day protest march