Fibonacci Blue: Rally to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: Rally to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: Rally to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: Rally to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: Rally to welcome Honduran refugees
Fibonacci Blue: Rally to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: Preparing to march against US immigration policies
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: Speaker at a march to welcome Honduran refugees
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: Band plays at a march to welcome Honduran refugees
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border
Fibonacci Blue: March to welcome Honduran refugees and protest against troops on the border