Fibonacci Blue: Justice for Philando protest in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Justice for Philando protest in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Black Lives Matter protest in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Black Lives Matter protest at St. Paul City Hall
Fibonacci Blue: Black Lives Matter protest in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Justice for Philando protest in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Justice for Philando protest in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Protest holds moment of silence and blocks road in front of St. Paul City Hall
Fibonacci Blue: St. Paul police move in at Philando Castile protest
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters face police in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Police confronting protesters in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters facing the police outside St. Paul City Hall
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters facing the police outside St. Paul City Hall
Fibonacci Blue: Ramsey County Sheriff deputies block protesters on the west end of the block
Fibonacci Blue: Ramsey County Sheriff deputies move in on protesters
Fibonacci Blue: St. Paul police telling protesters to disperse
Fibonacci Blue: Most protesters begin to leave after multiple threats of arrest
Fibonacci Blue: Man arrested at Justice For Philando protest in St. Paul
Fibonacci Blue: Police surround protesters who refuse to leave
Fibonacci Blue: Police announce Black Lives Matter protest to be an unlawful assembly
Fibonacci Blue: Dispersed protesters linger on the periphery watching police surrounding other protesters
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters slowly disperse from St. Paul protest