Fibonacci Blue: Protest at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest over the return of Jeronimo Yanez to duty at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters outside the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters arrive at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest for Philando Castile in St. Anthony
Fibonacci Blue: Protest at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protester being interviewed in St. Anthony
Fibonacci Blue: Protest at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest for Philando Castile in St. Anthony
Fibonacci Blue: Protest outside the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest at the St. Anthony police department
Fibonacci Blue: Protest outside the St. Anthony police department