Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Protesters in the street outside the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile memorial at the gate of the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Memorial to Philando Castile at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: The First Amendment outside the Minnesota Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Leaving something at the Philando Castile memorial at the Governor's Mansion
Fibonacci Blue: Philando Castile shooting protest at the Minnesota Governor's Mansion