Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School marches in response to the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown death
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Speaker from South High School at a protest against the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown killing
Fibonacci Blue: Minneapolis South High School protests the Ferguson grand jury ruling on the Michael Brown death