Fibonacci Blue:
Rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers
Fibonacci Blue:
Rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers
Fibonacci Blue:
Speaker at rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers
Fibonacci Blue:
Protester plays role of a banker at rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions
Fibonacci Blue:
Speaker at rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers
Fibonacci Blue:
Rally to demand more accountability from the banking industry
Fibonacci Blue:
Ty Moore at a rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers
Fibonacci Blue:
Speaker at a rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers
Fibonacci Blue:
Rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers
Fibonacci Blue:
Speaker at a rally to demand accountability from the financial institutions and legal action against bankers