Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
The Running Riot playing at a rally for women's rights
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Some anti Rush Limbaugh sentiment at a rally for women's rights
Fibonacci Blue:
Karen Clark speaking at a rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
Speaker at a rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty
Fibonacci Blue:
The Running Riot playing at a rally for women's rights
Fibonacci Blue:
Occupy Women's Rights - A rally to honor the many struggles for women's liberty