Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Starting the protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Preparing for the protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Video: Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Video: Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Veterans for Peace at an anti-war protest
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Video: Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Potest against US wars at the Minnesota capitol.
Fibonacci Blue:
Video: Potest against US wars at the Minnesota capitol.
Fibonacci Blue:
Potest against US wars at the Minnesota capitol.
Fibonacci Blue:
Girl drumming at anti-war protest
Fibonacci Blue:
Potest against US wars at the Minnesota capitol.
Fibonacci Blue:
Potest against US wars at the Minnesota capitol.
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.
Fibonacci Blue:
Potest against US wars at the Minnesota capitol.
Fibonacci Blue:
Oh noes black helicopter at an anti-war protest
Fibonacci Blue:
Helicopter N854WS above an anti-war protest
Fibonacci Blue:
Panorama of a 2011 march against US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.