Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against the FBI across the street from Minneapolis City Hal
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against the FBI across the street from Minneapolis City Hall
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against the FBI outside the federal court building in Minneapolis
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Protest against FBI infiltration and federal grand jury subpoenas of anti-war groups
Fibonacci Blue:
Video from a protest against the FBI in Minneapolis