Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Anti-war protesters outside Senator Klobuchar's office in Minneapolis
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protester against the Afghanistan war
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protester against the war in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protester against the war in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protester against the war in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against the US war in Afghanistan
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Anti-war protesters outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office
Fibonacci Blue: Protest against US attacks in Afghanistan outside Senator Klobuchar's office