Fi Webster:
"I eat books"
Fi Webster:
reserved seat tickets $3.00
Fi Webster:
freefallin' A
Fi Webster:
Fi Webster:
supermodel ursula has a recurring nightmare
Fi Webster:
fish is all you need
Fi Webster:
the age of rhubarb
Fi Webster:
home invasion
Fi Webster:
memento mori
Fi Webster:
"full fathom five thy father lies..."
Fi Webster:
topsy-turvy thiebaud
Fi Webster:
almost blessed
Fi Webster:
intimations of spring
Fi Webster:
what if spring were static?
Fi Webster:
envelope for trish (front & back)
Fi Webster:
mae west #2: blood in the water
Fi Webster:
2 nudes + 2 screws + 4 tomatoes + (Gilbert & George)
Fi Webster:
the loneliness of the transatlantic courier
Fi Webster:
I am haunted by thoughts of eternity
Fi Webster:
saw you at the show last night
Fi Webster:
saw you at the show last night (back)
Fi Webster:
the dumpster will provide
Fi Webster:
dreaming of someone like jackson
Fi Webster:
when you leave this world
Fi Webster:
out of the deep past
Fi Webster:
envelope for AJ
Fi Webster:
yellow science mania
Fi Webster:
would hans arp say yes?
Fi Webster:
she's a happy plinth!
Fi Webster:
a gentle ride for the hobo clown