francishmj: Snowfall in Pacific Spirit Park, Vancouver
francishmj: Where are the elves in this wood?
francishmj: Camosun Bog, Vancouver; 2hrs of perfection
francishmj: Snowfall dropping at Camosun Bog, Vancouver
francishmj: Camosun Bog, falling snow after the storm.
francishmj: Camosun Bog, Vancouver; 2hrs of perfection in early AM light
francishmj: Variable fog on the Fraser River.
francishmj: Trompe l'oeil, Jericho.
francishmj: Bald Eagle, Saltspring Island
francishmj: Scaups, Jericho Beach
francishmj: Bufflehead in matching ripples, Jericho.
francishmj: Scaups on painted pond; Jericho.
francishmj: Wood duck - easy shot, but oh, so handsom! Reifel bird sanctuary
francishmj: Gadwall duck, Fraser River
francishmj: Pintail. cold, but such an elegant fellow. Reifel bird sanctuary
francishmj: Pacific Wren, UBC Botanical Gardens
francishmj: Golden Kinglet deep in the thicket, Jericho.
francishmj: Black capped chickadee, Jericho Beach
francishmj: Eyes on you ... Sandhill crane, Reifel bird sanctuary
francishmj: Ms. Redwing Blackbird, Fraser river.
francishmj: Redwinged blackbird, Fraser River
francishmj: Northern Harrier (Fem?), Jericho.