N3ptun0: Giant Lau Lau flowers laying on the ground - Syzygium megacarpa
N3ptun0: Dead flowers!
N3ptun0: Tropical fruits
N3ptun0: Oncidium Orchid
N3ptun0: Scarlet milkweed flower (Asclepias curassavica) with large milkweed bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus), adults and nymphs.
N3ptun0: Honey bee nectaring on white flowers
N3ptun0: Ants on a Costus sp. flower
N3ptun0: Asian lady beetle - Harmonia axyridis
N3ptun0: Mallow Scrub-Hairstreak - Strymon istapa modesta
N3ptun0: Water lily - Nymphaea sp.
N3ptun0: Dainty sulphur - Nathalis iole
N3ptun0: Fly - Condylostylus sp.
N3ptun0: Black raspberry - Rubus occidentalis
N3ptun0: Tropical fruits
N3ptun0: Garden nasturtium - Tropaeolum majus
N3ptun0: Elderberry flower - Sambucus sp.
N3ptun0: Rose apple - Syzygium jambos
N3ptun0: Flame of the forest - Butea monosperma