fgfathome: DSC_7675-copy
fgfathome: San Rafael Kayaker
fgfathome: Pooloop
fgfathome: Foamy Beach
fgfathome: DSC_0331-copy
fgfathome: DSC_0329-copy
fgfathome: Fishing at Stinson
fgfathome: Lost Lake near Whistler, BC
fgfathome: Fountain from the top
fgfathome: Celebrate water
fgfathome: Perch
fgfathome: Between a rock and a bridge
fgfathome: Walking the waters
fgfathome: Web of Water
fgfathome: No Parking Any Time
fgfathome: On the Rocks
fgfathome: DSC_6426
fgfathome: Palms over Pool
fgfathome: Sunset with a splash on the rocks
fgfathome: Stone cold lake
fgfathome: Keep your head above water
fgfathome: Underwater splash=bubbles
fgfathome: Water Portal
fgfathome: Overhead swim
fgfathome: DSC_1905
fgfathome: DSC_1824