fgfathome: Horsey
fgfathome: DSC_8107-copy
fgfathome: DSC_2979-copy
fgfathome: Turkey
fgfathome: DSC_4595-copy
fgfathome: Crow with meal
fgfathome: What you lookin at, bub?
fgfathome: Caught
fgfathome: Goosed
fgfathome: DSC_6265
fgfathome: Trading Places
fgfathome: Mirrored Duck
fgfathome: Sure I'll smile for the camera
fgfathome: DSC_8772-copy
fgfathome: DSC_8760-copy
fgfathome: DSC_8735-copy
fgfathome: DSC_8636-copy
fgfathome: DSC_8464-copy
fgfathome: DSC_8265-copy
fgfathome: DSC_8134-copy
fgfathome: Hangin' out
fgfathome: DSC_7790-copy
fgfathome: Walkin' the runner
fgfathome: DSC_2439
fgfathome: IMG_2204 copy
fgfathome: Tug-o-war
fgfathome: The Lincoln Memorial, reflecting pool and an itchy duck
fgfathome: Raccoon Eyes
fgfathome: Rin Tin Tin-like
fgfathome: DSC_9111