fflorijn: Anyone lost these shoes in Brooklyn?
fflorijn: Beer helps
fflorijn: PA050010
fflorijn: PA050018
fflorijn: PA050022
fflorijn: New Yorks finest
fflorijn: The recreation of WTC
fflorijn: New Yorks Niagara Falls
fflorijn: Touch my balls for luck!
fflorijn: Don't you bullshit me!
fflorijn: Big brother is watching you, also from above
fflorijn: Skyscraper, I love you
fflorijn: New Yorks Finest having a get together
fflorijn: Bunch of Skyscrapers
fflorijn: Fireworks, moonlight in the city that never sleeps
fflorijn: Fire escapes in Chinatown
fflorijn: Under the Bridge
fflorijn: Traffic on its way towards/from George Washington Bridge
fflorijn: Collection of Skyscrapers
fflorijn: Tourist Traps
fflorijn: War is not Green
fflorijn: ZDF item on Wall Street madness
fflorijn: Greed Kills
fflorijn: Greed Kills Continues
fflorijn: NYSE faced with protest
fflorijn: Yesterday I was still a millionaire...
fflorijn: I don't like what is happening with my stock
fflorijn: Serenity is closeby at Wall Street
fflorijn: Chinatown
fflorijn: Fire escapes really make the house