ffg: Rocks and leaves
ffg: Moritz Von Oswald Trio + 1
ffg: Natalie, a/k/a “Miss Detroit”
ffg: And the crowd goes wild
ffg: The box of awesome
ffg: Table decor
ffg: lucky 13
ffg: Obvious desktop wallpaper bait...
ffg: wohd_20080926_234132.jpg
ffg: North End, Sep 1, 2008
ffg: Mills Mix
ffg: Hardfloor
ffg: Octave One
ffg: Octave One
ffg: Octave One
ffg: Blue blocks
ffg: Taking One For The Team
ffg: Yes, it is.
ffg: Dutch Girl, Detroit
ffg: There, I Fixed It
ffg: 1337
ffg: Archeology
ffg: ’71 Mach 1 (Kyoto - Shoren-in)
ffg: Tannenbaum
ffg: IMG_3776
ffg: Tree Arcade
ffg: Popsicle guy kinda creeps me out
ffg: La Gloria Bakery
ffg: Agoria
ffg: Starski & Clutch