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Gas alarm panel
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Cathodic protection panel
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Door to the equipment room, labelled as the "apparatus room".
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Back of the monitoring speaker on the ringer.
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Detail from the back of the ringer assembly.
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Detail from the back of the ringer assembly.
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Rear view of the main selector dial on the ringer assembly.
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Connector block on the back of the ringer assembly.
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Detail from one of the ringer motors.
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Manufacturer's specification plate and labelling on one of the ringers.
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Control panel on the ringer assembly showing that the ringers are still powered.
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Fuse box on the ringer assembly
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Fuse box on the ringer assembly.
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Labelling of the earth connections on the ringer assembly
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Selector dial for one of the ringers.
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Main power switch for one of the ringers.
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Some sort of old input panel.
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Spares rack in the old battery room.
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Safety signage in the old battery room.
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Hand-painted labelling on an old test-panel
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Cable marker in the concrete outside the exchange.
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Video of one of the ringers in operation.
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