Ferrum College: Kayaking in Los Haitises National Park
Ferrum College: Land School for Scuba Diving
Ferrum College: Getting ready for scuba skills testing
Ferrum College: Scuba skills testing
Ferrum College: Heading out to sea for scuba diving and snorkeling
Ferrum College: Heading back after scuba diving and snorkeling
Ferrum College: Cathedral of the Americas
Ferrum College: La Isabella ruins - first European settlement in Caribbean
Ferrum College: La Isabella ruins - site of first Christian service in Dominican Republic
Ferrum College: Remains of Christopher Columbus' house at La Isabella
Ferrum College: Manatee Preserve
Ferrum College: Monte Cristi National Park
Ferrum College: Jarabacoa Eco Justice site
Ferrum College: Jarabacoa Eco-justice Site
Ferrum College: Jarabacoa Eco-Justice project
Ferrum College: General Leperon Memorial, Puerto Plata
Ferrum College: San Felipe Fort Puerto Plata
Ferrum College: Changing a tire near Santiago - gaining life skills!
Ferrum College: Help changing the tire.
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - 27 Waterfalls
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - Grave sites at La Isabella
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - Graves at La Isabella
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - La Aurora Cigar Museum
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - La Ensenada Beach
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - La Isabella Ruins
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - Los Haitises National Park
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - Manatee Reserve
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - Spirit Mountain Coffee Plantation Jarabacoa
Ferrum College: Delia Heck - Three Eyes Grotto Santo Domingo