CandR: Sweet baby tot update
CandR: cropped
CandR: Peasant Dress
CandR: 518112581_07
CandR: Apron
CandR: fabric napkins
CandR: CIMG3614
CandR: Felt Cookies
CandR: Felt Pop tarts!
CandR: Felt pizza
CandR: Towels for the Bride
CandR: Starling
CandR: Fall Dress
CandR: DSCF3963
CandR: DSCF3970
CandR: DSCF3975
CandR: Sorry- can't get enough of this cutie
CandR: Many Burp cloths for baby
CandR: Gettin wild with the burpy
CandR: My fav. burpy
CandR: I'll have to get better pictures another time!
CandR: Finally Finished!
CandR: Made with Michael Miller Oxford
CandR: She was too wiggely when I was trying to take these pictures
CandR: On the Choo choo
CandR: Big Fish
CandR: Our bebe's crib
CandR: Finished Tummy Time Quilt
CandR: Tied