ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | ice cream boy
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | so very very thirsty
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | strawberry melon
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | cantaloupe
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | tough taco
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | porous pretzel
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | octopus boy
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | shark and wave
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | coffee and donut
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | night beers
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | ripping
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | watermelon boy
ferrisandkelly: ferris plock | vampire fruit