ferreth: Hungarian Partridge IMG_1728ac
ferreth: # Birds IMG_1748
ferreth: Geese takoff_1817
ferreth: Fighting Geese _1959
ferreth: Mallard Duck _1953
ferreth: Common Merganser _1949
ferreth: Canada Goose _1946
ferreth: Bird Pecker _1944ac
ferreth: Bird Pecker _1941ac
ferreth: Bird Pecker _1938ac
ferreth: Goose Pair Preening _1928
ferreth: Common Merganser _1922
ferreth: Goose Fight_1920
ferreth: Goose Fight_1918
ferreth: Goose Fight_1917
ferreth: Black Bird_1903
ferreth: Lil' Black Finch _1878
ferreth: Birdy Wasnt flying IMG_1193
ferreth: Birdy on the Rail IMG_1203
ferreth: Pelicans on the Bow River Wier IMG_0938
ferreth: 3 Ducks IMG_0756
ferreth: Duck IMG_0753
ferreth: Finch IMG_0745
ferreth: Eagle IMG_0709
ferreth: Ostrich IMG_0797
ferreth: IMG_0741
ferreth: Ostrich IMG_0805
ferreth: IMG_0775
ferreth: Birds on the Bow_1188a
ferreth: IMG_0506