ferrbie: Double rainbow 1
ferrbie: Double rainbow 2
ferrbie: Double rainbow 3
ferrbie: Double rainbow 4
ferrbie: Double rainbow 5
ferrbie: Double rainbow 6
ferrbie: Mt. Katahdin from Boyd Lake 1
ferrbie: Mt. Katahdin from Boyd Lake 2
ferrbie: Loon on Boyd Lake
ferrbie: Loon on Boyd Lake 2
ferrbie: Loon on Boyd Lake 3
ferrbie: Loon on Boyd Lake 4
ferrbie: Island in middle of Boyd Lake
ferrbie: Rock, Boyd Lake
ferrbie: Rocks in Boyd Lake
ferrbie: Twinkling Boyd Lake
ferrbie: Scenery
ferrbie: Scenery
ferrbie: Scenery
ferrbie: Flip-flops on the dock
ferrbie: Reflections on Boyd Lake 1
ferrbie: Reflections on Boyd Lake 2
ferrbie: Reflections on Boyd Lake 3
ferrbie: Wild iris
ferrbie: Adolescent loon
ferrbie: Katahdin from Boyd Lake
ferrbie: Blue thatch umbrella
ferrbie: 100_0675
ferrbie: 100_0674