Koos Fernhout: Katowice Zaleze, Poland
Koos Fernhout: Level crossing 28 in Mikulczyce, Poland
Koos Fernhout: Level crossing 28 in Mikulczyce, Poland
Koos Fernhout: ul. Konstytucji 28, Bytom Szombierki DSCN3892http://loc.alize.us/#/user:Koos_Fernhout/geo:50.336080,18.869458,19,k/
Koos Fernhout: BP, Bytom Politechnika
Koos Fernhout: DSCN7920 - Version 2
Koos Fernhout: Jeweller's shop in Chrzanów, Poland http://loc.alize.us/#/flickr:8221459238DSCN7994
Koos Fernhout: Railway station. Nysa, Poland
Koos Fernhout: Railway Station Nysa, Poland
Koos Fernhout: Naast het appartement in Katowice Załęże, Polen.
Koos Fernhout: Katowice Załęże
Koos Fernhout: Gliwicka 133, Katowice, Poland
Koos Fernhout: 12:28 - In Bielsko Biała
Koos Fernhout: 'Station, good place', Polish way of saying 'The station, the right place' (for your ads). The name of this station is Zwardon.
Koos Fernhout: Healthy mountain air
Koos Fernhout: Clothes for ladies, gentlemen and children. Zwardon, Poland
Koos Fernhout: Zwardon, Poland
Koos Fernhout: River Rawa
Koos Fernhout: ...and never the twain shall meet...