Oaks and Coulter: Part of Day 39 shoot
Oaks and Coulter: Part of Day 39 shoot
Oaks and Coulter: Coffee bokeh cup
Oaks and Coulter: Carbonara / anchovies
Oaks and Coulter: The Pleasure is all mine
Oaks and Coulter: Haägen Dasz Brownie a la mode dazzler
Oaks and Coulter: Angry old lady
Oaks and Coulter: Bookstore dad
Oaks and Coulter: Free for all
Oaks and Coulter: NW 25 ST / NW 82 AV
Oaks and Coulter: Taco bell Fire
Oaks and Coulter: Another night at the agency
Oaks and Coulter: make up time
Oaks and Coulter: Rosi Zombie
Oaks and Coulter: Rosi on deer lights
Oaks and Coulter: A portrait of a dupla
Oaks and Coulter: sizzling porkchops
Oaks and Coulter: Fofo the chef
Oaks and Coulter: Sizzlin Steak!
Oaks and Coulter: This is why I prefer to do HDR in post
Oaks and Coulter: the crew / day 168 misfire
Oaks and Coulter: Day 176 Misfire
Oaks and Coulter: Coffee & expresso