fernandoprats: Dou ble you
fernandoprats: Nos encantan los relatos, esto no es cuento.
fernandoprats: esplendor a l’herba, 11S2012
fernandoprats: Probably you
fernandoprats: About, almost about.
fernandoprats: Fernando Prats wins Perspectivas 3
fernandoprats: No more movies to see.
fernandoprats: Con trabajing
fernandoprats: If (ii)
fernandoprats: Right sense/s
fernandoprats: Extratextuality
fernandoprats: Even the more predictable surfaces can hold surprises with inhospitable tips
fernandoprats: Twenty minutes with you.
fernandoprats: An overview, from time to time, may say a lot about individual phobias
fernandoprats: Occasionally, wrong choices can deflate, right decisions
fernandoprats: If (iv)
fernandoprats: If (iii)
fernandoprats: New old geometry
fernandoprats: Some are always ready and challenging
fernandoprats: Some animals are trained to be rude
fernandoprats: Some monsters can only bark
fernandoprats: Deshielo (new book, poetry)
fernandoprats: Swallow with no diet, just what you need, carefully
fernandoprats: Show off what you wish not to make explicit
fernandoprats: I waited for you
fernandoprats: Prats/Ruibal @ Art Moves 2011, „Reality or fiction? Let’s pretend it’s not there”
fernandoprats: Éternel retour sans GPS (iii)
fernandoprats: Éternel retour sans GPS (ii)
fernandoprats: Éternel retour sans GPS