Fernando Cuevas: At Cristinas & Orlando wedding...
Fernando Cuevas: Fernando & Rosiebel
Fernando Cuevas: Waiting for the newlyweds...
Fernando Cuevas: Minerva (the bride's mother) with her sons
Fernando Cuevas: My cousin Carlos with his dauther Cristina
Fernando Cuevas: Orlando & Cristina
Fernando Cuevas: At San Jose curch, Villa Caparra
Fernando Cuevas: The ring bearer
Fernando Cuevas: The blessing of the rings
Fernando Cuevas: With God as the supreme witness
Fernando Cuevas: No where to hide, you are officially married...
Fernando Cuevas: My sister & I
Fernando Cuevas: Miguel & Mabel
Fernando Cuevas: The newlyweds arriving at the wedding party
Fernando Cuevas: Carlos greeting the wedding guests
Fernando Cuevas: Cristina & Orlando dancing the ceremonial waltz
Fernando Cuevas: More of the Cuevas family gang...
Fernando Cuevas: Cristina's parents and brothers
Fernando Cuevas: And now is Orlando's turn...
Fernando Cuevas: I wonder what Orlando is doing...
Fernando Cuevas: There goes the flowers...
Fernando Cuevas: Everybody is having a good time
Fernando Cuevas: My sister dancing plena
Fernando Cuevas: Cristinas dancing with the girls...
Fernando Cuevas: My cousin Elvira dancing with the newlyweds
Fernando Cuevas: My cousin Elvira dancing with Orlando
Fernando Cuevas: My cousin Elvira dancing with her nice Cristina
Fernando Cuevas: Carlos dancing with Minerva
Fernando Cuevas: The newlyweds having a really good time
Fernando Cuevas: Cristina dancing plena with the girls