Ferna Zahsum:
Rat trap selling point
Ferna Zahsum:
Ferna Zahsum:
Kitchen sools and smplements
Ferna Zahsum:
ahhh...punctuation jokes
Ferna Zahsum:
Ferna Zahsum:
Misspelling Di Lusso? Sure. But Hormel??
Ferna Zahsum:
Double the Ts means double the yum!
Ferna Zahsum:
As if reference to ladies' tuxes alone wasn't eye-catching enough.
Ferna Zahsum:
Um. So the 'E' is silent?
Ferna Zahsum:
Doublle Ls make me llaugh llots.
Ferna Zahsum:
Sometimes you pluralize with "E".
Ferna Zahsum:
Man, someone sure likes the letter E.
Ferna Zahsum:
Aww. An unnecessary definite article. How cute!
Ferna Zahsum:
Crearly the news makes mistakes, too.
Ferna Zahsum:
Everything avobe this line is spelled correctly....
Ferna Zahsum:
Surely tax-payer dollars can be spent on complete sentences, too.
Ferna Zahsum:
Two plus two divided by a double negative four? Must be "new math".
Ferna Zahsum:
Gotta getta better understanding of how to use slang
Ferna Zahsum:
menus should have spellcheck
Ferna Zahsum:
phat beets. awesome.
Ferna Zahsum:
A veces pienso que nadie puede deletrear
Ferna Zahsum:
I Googled "Finast" and am still not sure if this is misspelled....
Ferna Zahsum:
Ferna Zahsum:
so...specifying "young" was necessary?
Ferna Zahsum:
Hee. Free poo.
Ferna Zahsum:
aww, good try: there IS an "e" in closed
Ferna Zahsum:
Ooh, *everthing* cost price?! Nice.
Ferna Zahsum:
"Stationary," huh?
Ferna Zahsum:
That thit ith thight.
Ferna Zahsum:
how very specific.