Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara: "You know you've made it big when you are invited to be one of the celebrities at a red carpet event!" :) The red carpet pre-show photo op.
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Rolling the New York City taxi created by DC Cupcakes out for the crowd to see!
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara meeting her co-star, the beautiful ballerina Mary Jane Milici. Solara was asked to join her on the catwalk since Solara is a Borzoi Ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City. They were immediately great friends!
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara meeting her co-star, the beautiful ballerina Mary Jane Milici. Solara was asked to join her on the catwalk since Solara is a Borzoi Ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City. They were immediately great friends!
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara meeting her co-star, the beautiful ballerina Mary Jane Milici. Solara was asked to join her on the catwalk since Solara is a Borzoi Ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City. They were immediately great friends!
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara, pre-show photo op
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Pre-show photo op. Solara with her co-star, the beautiful ballerina Mary Jane Milici. Solara was asked to join her on the catwalk since Solara is a Borzoi Ballerina for the American Ballet Theatre in New York City.
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara with friend, celebrity dog trainer, John Monteleone
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara and ballerina Mary Jane Milici - pre show red carpet photo op
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara and ballerina Mary Jane Milici - pre show red carpet photo op
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara and ballerina Mary Jane Milici with Miss USA Alyssa Campanella and pup, Moshie
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara and beautiful ballerina Mary Jane Milici waiting next to the PAWparazzi prior to their pre-show red carpet photo op
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara and ballerina Mary Jane Milici with Toddler & Tiara reality show and New Logos 'star' Eden Wood with pup, Ella
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
The PAWparazzi photgraphing Solara and ballerina Mary Jane Milici with Toddler & Tiara reality show and New Logos 'star' Eden Wood with pup, Ella
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara was honored and thrilled to meet (and give a gentle Borzoi hug to) the great Celeste Holm, Academy Award and Golden Globe winner and Broadway legend!
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
waiting backstage with the "artistic" Border Collie, Kelly
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
New Yorkie Runway competition casting call finalists backstage waiting for their big moment
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Mattingly the Boxer with Brett Rubin finished tied for third place in the New Yorkie Runway Casting Call. (Ruby, in her red dress on the right, won Runner Up)
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
waiting backstage ...
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
New Yorkie Runway competition casting call finalist backstage waiting for their big moment
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara checking out Jin Jin the Afghan's outfit
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Jin Jin won the casting call!
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara and beautiful ballerina Mary Jane Milici backstage
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Solara and beautiful ballerina Mary Jane Milici backstage
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Miss USA Alyssa Campanella and pup, Moshie, waiting backstage
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
"Dog USA", Moshie, who walked with Miss USA :)
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
Miss USA's shoes. I asked. She said it was not easy at all to walk in them.
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West):
heading toward the stage!