Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Kia - New Orelans shelter photo
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): at CART show (looking better already!)
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): adolescent Kia
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Kia being silly and smiling :)
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Kia in the falling snow
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Unexpected Snow Nose!
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Eye of the Kia
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): The gaze that follows me everywhere.
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Rule Number One: Don't fall asleep at the scene of the crime. ----- (Kia thinks to self, "Thank goodness there was a bone here I could grab quick!" *look innocent - don't make eye contact*)......... see next photo...
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West): Kia says Happy New Year!