☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): Ules, kubo, ken gitara.
☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): Quellyn Laforga in Pagudpud
☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): Quellyn Laforga: new found beauty
☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): [22/365] "I am very shy, actually."
☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): When angels walk the earth.
☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): Art is the only way to run away without leaving home
☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): We all rise from dust like a Phoenix...
☂ f e я i N a (needs to hibernate): [5/365] The art of silhouette.