FerImages: XPT2005 | Sydney Central
FerImages: Tangara | Sydney Central
FerImages: Ghan | Adelaide
FerImages: TransPerth | Perth
FerImages: Pacific National | Pimba South Australia
FerImages: Stack train | Pimba
FerImages: Freight National | Two Wells
FerImages: Kuranda
FerImages: Kuranda
FerImages: The Ghan | Darwin
FerImages: Pacific National | Pimba
FerImages: Pacific National | The Outback
FerImages: SCT | Pimba
FerImages: Pacific National | At the loop of Pimba
FerImages: The Ghan | Pimba
FerImages: SCT 07 + 10 | Stirling North
FerImages: PN 27 + 45 | Stirling North
FerImages: Patrick | Crystal Brook
FerImages: QRail 289 | Maryborough
FerImages: M06797
FerImages: Pacific National | Maryborough
FerImages: QRail | Raglan, Queensland
FerImages: 3501 + 3357 | Raglan, Queensland
FerImages: Pacific National | Queensland
FerImages: 8304 + 8313 | Raglan
FerImages: Cane Railway
FerImages: QRail | Queensland
FerImages: PN 005 | Queensland