feraldata: morning coffee + robot book
feraldata: still thinking #robotprehistory
feraldata: more #bookfairy activity
feraldata: thinking comparative #robotprehistory
feraldata: ROBOTS!!! #robotprehistory
feraldata: thinking all things technology too
feraldata: watts in a home -- a play in 4 acts
feraldata: the wonder book of electricity
feraldata: a bed full of books
feraldata: 1941 issues of Coronation Cookbook
feraldata: unearthing the paperback on my desk!
feraldata: the CWA cookbook from Esk Valley, Tasmania
feraldata: sunday's light reading
feraldata: Handicrafts ... #bookfair
feraldata: collect the whole set
feraldata: the history of electricity in Australia #bookfairy
feraldata: All Electric Cookery Book
feraldata: The EAW Electrical Handbook
feraldata: The EAW Electric Handbook
feraldata: "The EAW Electrical Handbook" 9th edition 1976
feraldata: #bookfairy offerings
feraldata: all elecriticy cookbook
feraldata: adding henry to my list of 18th century names
feraldata: maps, knowledge
feraldata: electricity agogo
feraldata: learning from the light, again
feraldata: an interesting tact on tech
feraldata: more thinking with books
feraldata: an excellent read; thinking libraries, books & creation of knowledge
feraldata: and more on Golem