feraldata: Morning Coffee (well afternoon)
feraldata: Manhole cover
feraldata: Wifi Dolphins, of course
feraldata: a bow wave on the Bosphorus
feraldata: a romantic moment
feraldata: an Ottoman edge
feraldata: a decorative ceiling
feraldata: Istanbul Modernist sign
feraldata: Istanbul Modern
feraldata: Manhole cover
feraldata: a good place for a quick kilometer
feraldata: the view from the backgammon board
feraldata: morning coffee
feraldata: the usual warning/caution signs
feraldata: getting close to the lamp
feraldata: some fret work
feraldata: Hagia Sophia chandlier
feraldata: Hagia Sophia chandlier
feraldata: the view out the window
feraldata: a door knob
feraldata: tile
feraldata: mosaic tile
feraldata: and still more tile
feraldata: more tile
feraldata: tile
feraldata: the baths for the Harem
feraldata: your single patch of sky
feraldata: walkway pattens
feraldata: and more tile
feraldata: a wall of tile