mrfelipe101: #1/100 Strangers - Cloud Gate Portrait
mrfelipe101: Daniela, a newspaper please (#2 Stranger)
mrfelipe101: Funambulist Hernán, #4/100
mrfelipe101: Javier, monocycle juggler
mrfelipe101: Flor in the Garden, #5
mrfelipe101: Hernan, the sailor #6/100
mrfelipe101: Cristian, #7
mrfelipe101: Goofy, #9
mrfelipe101: Nilsen, #8
mrfelipe101: Cupcake resonance
mrfelipe101: Ali the seaman - ¡Cabano!
mrfelipe101: Luigi the painter
mrfelipe101: Sister on wheels - #10
mrfelipe101: Sideways Stephane - #14