felinebird: Guildhall by Night
felinebird: Still
felinebird: German Sausage
felinebird: Waltziest
felinebird: Preparing to Process
felinebird: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
felinebird: Torchlit Procession on Guildford Highstreet
felinebird: House of T...
felinebird: Blur
felinebird: Funfair
felinebird: Twistier
felinebird: Twister
felinebird: Oooooooooooooooh!
felinebird: Lighting torches
felinebird: Vom-inducing Fairground Rides
felinebird: Circling
felinebird: Trans-Europe Express
felinebird: Upper High Street
felinebird: Waltzier
felinebird: Motion
felinebird: Guildford Torchlit Procession
felinebird: Waltzer
felinebird: Tracing motion
felinebird: London Road
felinebird: Twistiest