felibrilu: Pancake and vegetable and egg soup
felibrilu: Sweetcorn
felibrilu: Qingcheng Park
felibrilu: Qingcheng Park ferris wheel
felibrilu: Qingcheng Park cat structure
felibrilu: Window cleaners
felibrilu: Dinner
felibrilu: Hohhot street
felibrilu: Hohhot street
felibrilu: Bin Yue Hotel lobby
felibrilu: Coffee whilst waiting for the rain to stop
felibrilu: Hohhot street
felibrilu: Bank of China ready for National Day
felibrilu: Mooncake stall
felibrilu: Mooncake stall
felibrilu: Tomato and Princess restaurant
felibrilu: Noodles for breakfast
felibrilu: China post sign in Mongolian and Chinese
felibrilu: Hohhot street
felibrilu: Temple doorway
felibrilu: Temple painting
felibrilu: Door
felibrilu: Temple decoration
felibrilu: Wuta Pagoda
felibrilu: Wuta Pagoda carving of a lion
felibrilu: Wuta Pagoda carving of an elephant
felibrilu: Wuta Pagoda carving of Buddhas and texts
felibrilu: Wuta Pagoda carving of musicians
felibrilu: Wuta Pagoda carving round the doorway
felibrilu: Wuta Pagoda carving of an elephant