Fe 108Aums: nature's music
Fe 108Aums: improvisation
Fe 108Aums: two as one, yet free to be themselves…
Fe 108Aums: sending smiles :-)
Fe 108Aums: like sound waves...
Fe 108Aums: love is the thread
Fe 108Aums: like a mudra
Fe 108Aums: the healer
Fe 108Aums: looking like needles and threads
Fe 108Aums: Indian raga
Fe 108Aums: two as one, yet free to be themselves…
Fe 108Aums: in celebration of the eternal
Fe 108Aums: modulation
Fe 108Aums: key set
Fe 108Aums: heart rock
Fe 108Aums: where eternal winds blow
Fe 108Aums: elephant on a tree
Fe 108Aums: Father
Fe 108Aums: musical grace note
Fe 108Aums: she who sparks
Fe 108Aums: twirling weed
Fe 108Aums: coils